Rang 6


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Fáilte go leathanach Rang 6!


Ag Barr an Dréimire


Through language, your child learns to communicate in English and in Irish. Your child learns to listen,to speak, to read and to write in both languages. These language skills provide a basis for learning other languages and are important for  learning  in  all  other areas of the curriculum.

In English, your child’s listening and speaking  skills continue to be developed through talk and discussion.He/she learns to listen, start conversations, tell stories, summarise, express and explain feelings, give instructions, argue, persuade and present ideas. Your child should now be a confident reader and writer and is learning to think about and question the message being put across in both his/her writing or in the broad range of reading material he/she reads both for personal pleasure  and information. 

You can help your child to learn at home by:

  • Listening and talking with your child, for example, about what’s happening at school, about their friends or about their favourite subject. 
  • Watching programmes, such as an nuacht, quizzes, cartoons and sports programmes on TG4 with your child. Although your child may not understand all of the language at first, he/she will understand a good deal of the programmes. 
  • Encouraging your child to borrow books or novels from the local library. 


Your child learnis to understand and solve problems with the Mathematics Curriculum. Children continue to work with real materials such as counters, cubes, fraction tiles, measurement equipment, number games, playing games and mathematical software to build their knowledge and understanding of new content in:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Measurements
  • Shape and Space
  • Data

You can help your child learn at home by:

  • Creating opportunities for your child to handle money and work within budgets.
  • Providing opportunities for your child to solve problems in real-life situations at home.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude in relation to Mathematics. 


Transition from Primary School



Here are some links we hope will be helpful:

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