“It shall be the duty of the board to manage the school on behalf of the patron
and for the benefit of the students and their parents and to provide or cause to
be provided an appropriate education for each student at the school for which
that board has responsibility.”
Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2019-2023
The Board of Management
Boards of management of primary schools are appointed for a four year term. The term
of office for new boards of management is from 1 December 2019 to 30 November 2023.
The Board manages the school on behalf of the patron and is accountable to the patron
and the Minister. The principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the
school, including guidance and direction of the teachers and other staff of the school, and
is accountable for that management.
The Board of Management and the Patron
It is the duty of the Board to manage the school on behalf of the patron. In carrying out
this duty the Board is obliged to consult with and keep the patron informed of decisions
and proposals of the Board. The Board is also accountable to the patron for upholding the
school’s characteristic spirit.
The Board of Management and Policies
The Board has overall responsibility for school policies. Therefore, there are a range of
different school policies that Boards will, from time to time, be involved in developing,
implementing and reviewing as appropriate. Examples include the Admission
(Enrolment) Policy, Child Safeguarding Statement, Code of Behaviour, Anti-Bullying
Policy, Complaints Procedures, School Attendance Strategy, Health and Safety
Statement etc.
Constitution of Board of Management
(a) Two direct nominees of the patron.
(b) Two parents elected from parents of children who are enrolled and have
commenced attendance at the school (one being a mother, the other a father,
elected by the general body of parents of children who are enrolled and have
commenced attendance at the school).
(c) The principal (or acting principal) of the school.
(d) One other serving teacher on the staff of the school, elected by vote of the
teaching staff which includes the principal.
(e) Two extra members proposed by those nominees, described at (a) to (d) above,
acting in accordance with the process set out at Appendix C.
Who are we?
Cathaoirleach: Terry Ó Máirtín
Cisteoir: Marian Mhic Charthaigh
Príomhoide: Colm Ó Nualláin
Ionadaí na Tuismitheoirí: Deirdre Ní Dheá agus Will Cinsealach
Ionadaí na Múinteoirí: Mairéad Nic Ghallachóir
Ionadaí Seachtrach: Fiona Rowland