Tuairisc ar FMS sa Ghaeilge- 2014

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Achoimre ar ár dTuairisc Féin-Mheastóireacht Scoile don Ghaeilge

Summary of Report on School Self Evaluation for Irish

Gaelscoil Inse Chór (19589U)


Data: Fianaise bailithe Eanair 2014-Aibreán 2014 (Evidence gathered from Jan-April 2014)

Cómhthéacs/Context: 236 Dalta sa scoil thar 9 rang. Scoil Chaitliceach.


  • Ceistneoirí ar Dhaltaí Rang 3-6 (Questionnaires)
  • Grúpaí Fócais ar Dhaltaí Rang 3-6 agus ar Thuismitheoirí (Focus Groups)
  • Scrúdaithe Caighdeánacha 2013 Rang 2,4,6 (Standardised Tests 2013)
  • Ceistneoirí ar Mhúinteoirí
  • Ceistneoirí ar Mhéanscoileanna (Col.Chillian/Col. Cois Life)

Torthaí (Results)

  • Scrúdaithe 2013: Formhór na nDaltaí (56%) Rang 2-4-6 sa mheáin don Léitheoireacht Ghaeilge (Majority (56%)of pupils in the average range for Irish Reading based on 2013 testing).
  • Formhór na múinteoirí ag tagairt ar ghanntanas i stór-fhocail na bpáistí. Many teachers commented on a lack of vocabulary in spoken Irish.
  • B’fhearr le páistí na scoile Gaeilge a chloisteáil ó chuairteoirí ná Béarla (Children preferred to hear visitors speaking Irish over English)
  • Tá suim ag formhór na ndaltaí (70%) sa léitheoireacht Gaeilge. Majority of pupils showed an interest in Irish Reading.
  • Bheadh 91% de dhaltaí na scoile sásta an scoil a mholadh dá gcairde. 91% of pupils would recommend a Gaelscoil to friends.
  • Tá tuismitheoirí an-tógtha le atmaisféar na scoile agus ag súil len dTumoideachas. (Parents are very taken with the school atmosphere and are looking forward to Tumoideachas.
  • De réir na méanscoileanna tá meon an-dearfach ag ár scoláirí ar an Ghaeilge ach mholadar díriú ar structúir cainte. (Secondary Schools praised the attitude our pupils have for Gaeilge and advised us to focus on sentence structures within our plan.
  • Mhol tuismitheoirí/páistí go gcuideoidh lipéidí Gaeilge sa chlós leo. (Parents/children stated that Irish Print cards on yard would benefit them.)

Ar aghaidh….

Cuirfear plean feabhsúcháin le chéile mí Lúnasa 2014 a dhíreoidh ar feabhas a chur thar réimse forleathan don Ghaeilge- sa léitheoireacht,éisteacht agus scríbhneoireacht. Beidh an plean seo dírithe ar pháistí agus ar thuismitheoirí/caomhnóirí na scoile.

The staff will devise a school improvement plan in August 2014 concentrating on Irish Reading, Listening Skills and Writing. This plan will focus on children and parents/guardians.